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Government Of Assam Public Works (Roads)

State Priority Schemes, SCSP and TSP

  • The Annual Plan – State Priority Schemes is a component of the erstwhile Plan allocation. Priority works not falling under the purview of the externally aided projects, RIDF, NLCPR, NEC, PMGSY, etc. have normally been taken up under this component of the erstwhile Plan allocation. At present, the ongoing works are being implemented under SOPD.

    The SCSP (Scheduled Caste Sub Plan) component is a scheme implemented with the objective of welfare of the Scheduled Caste population. Similarly, TSP (Tribal Sub Plan) component is a scheme implemented with the objective of welfare of the Scheduled Tribe population.

    State Priority Schemes, SCSP and TSP
    List of Projects under SCSP, 2015-1652.91 KBswf-image
    List of Projects under AP (State Priority), 2015-1660.23 KBswf-image
    List of Projects under TSP, 2015-1627.16 KBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-G for the year 2017-18560.03 KBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-G for the year 2018-193.51 MBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-G for the year 2019-201.69 MBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-G for the year 2020-212.23 MBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-G for the year 2021-22623.88 KBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-ODS (Tea Gardens) for the year 2018-19662.79 KBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-ODS (Tea Gardens) for the year 2019-20115.89 KBswf-image
    Schemes Sanctioned under SOPD-ODS (Tea Gardens) for the year 2020-21240.31 KBswf-image