The North Eastern Council (NEC) is the nodal agency for the economic and social development of the Assam and other North Eastern States. The North Eastern Council was constituted in 1971 by an Act of Parliament. Its vision is to accelerate the pace of development of the Region, so that it may enjoy growth parity with the rest of the country.
Since its inception, NEC has been functioning as a regional planning body for the North Eastern region with the tasks of formulating regional plans that benefit two or more States & as per the aspirations of the people of Assam by funding various developmental projects in the fields of Surface, Health, Power, Horticulture, Science & Technology, Education, Industries, Tourism etc over the years.
The main objective of the Council is to ensure the balanced and integrated economic development of the North Eastern parts of the country including addressing the communication bottlenecks specially in the backward area in the interstate border. In the State of Assam, the Public Works Road Department (PWRD) is responsible for Planning, designing, construction and maintenance of assets related to road communication with emphasis on durability, quality, functional efficiency, serving the intended purpose, created within the reasonable period within the resource available in time to time.
The Salient Features of the Scheme:
- The North East has essentially depended on Central funding for development works. NEC's schemes are generally financed on the basis of 90% Grant by the central Govt. and 10% by the State Government.
- The Council is an advisory body and may discuss developmental matter in which the North Eastern States have a common interest and recommend to the Central Government as to the action relating to approval to be taken on prioritized schemes.
- At present the Transformation & development department (T&D) is nodal department for Assam. NEC is generally funding projects for infrastructure development having regional character. NEC Cell of T&D department are working as a coordinating Departments.
- The NEC funded Road and Bridge schemes are being implemented through the PWD roads department.
- After completion of Road and bridge projects, these are maintained by the fund provided by the Assam State road Board, Govt. of Assam
Achievement: (Since 5th plan schemes)
Road work sanctioned : |
2166.81Km |
Road work completed |
2120.3 Km |
Bridges sanctioned |
350 Nos |
Bridges completed |
341 Nos |
Amount Sanctioned |
Rs1399.00Cr |
Fund utilized |
Rs.1303.53Cr |
Budget allocation for the last 3(three) years:
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 |
2017-2018 |
110.71 Cr. |
85.50 Cr. |
38.11Cr. |
Bridge Over River Barak at Fulertol unedr NEC’S 10th Five Year Plan (Length =261.00M)
Completed on 10/8/2013
Mairang-Ranigodown-Azara Road under NEC’S 11th Five Year Plan (Length=18.92KM)
Completed on 29/10/2013

Mairang-Ranigodown-Azara Road under NEC’S 11th Five Year Plan (Length=18.92KM)

Bridge Over River Barak at Raniferry on Silchar Kalain Road (Altaf Setu) (Length of the Bridge: 404.29 Rm) Completed on 31/12/2003

Mancachar Mahendraganj Road (Road Length : 8.20Km) Completed on 10/2/2014

Mancachar Mahendraganj Road (Road Length : 8.20Km) Completed on 10/2/2014

Improvement/Construction of road from Bhawanipur NH31 to Manas National Park via Sarupeta-Saudarvitha-Anandabazar road (Length : 31.62Km) Work is in progress

Improvement/Construction of road from Bhawanipur NH31 to Manas National Park via Sarupeta-Saudarvitha-Anandabazar road